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Sunday, August 16, 2015

SuperYOU: What you need to look for in a partner(Sunday Recap)

(Nobody said being in a relationship was going to be easy, but its up to you find out if its going to be worth it and if that is a long thought process, then they ARE probably worth it)

I hope you can relate:
I can not stress this enough to myself . I am at an age where I  need a man that is striving for excellence in every aspect of his life.  I need someone who can give me a mental stimulation, a conversation. A man that is family oriented, now wait!  Any  person can love a family and be around them, but it takes a man who can be a leader, a provider and a giver for the lives entrusted to him. I don't have a problem being submissive to a respectable man. key word respectable. I need someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman but is strong enough to keep in dealing with me and the relationship. What can you do for me that I can't do for myself? I have to ask that to  every guy that comes my way. If you are not fitting that description of what I need  and you are here for the sex, money and blow weed while broke then please go and in time MAYBE you will have what I need. Until then I'm growing my self and my household.  I need a man who has built a valued home by his self  (e.g. you had a family once, OK so now you're divorced and that's fine,  long term relationship OK now you guys are not together that's fine you were a amateur business man and you're first business went down the drain OK  again that's fine. Did you learn your lesson? are you improving are you going to continue on your blue print? of course there are more details into this but i wont get into it because its a lot to consider)  and is now building an empire, well most empires wasn't built alone so of course it will be us building together. My life doesn't call for party, procrastination, empty friendships or prideful people that think they are too good for people, you know who you are the ones that never see or admit their wrong doings or selfish pride, but quick to call people on their bluff and drop them. I don't have time for men like that. I'm not about perfection .Realistic, loyal, patient but DRIVEN wins the race. I'm not looking for this man, he will find me. And when I say empire I mean this
A Home

I've been dreaming of this empire for years and it took me awhile to finally understand the blue print. Now im on track, I'm building an empire for my household and if a man wants to join in then that's better but if not, then its all good. Empires have been built alone too. My goals will be accomplished with or without you. period.
Im gonna show my kids everything in life is possible.


That's what I had to learn, the 3 c's and that is to be Confident, Comfortable and Caring. To know that I may always be too much of something for someone, doesn't bother me anymore. I love me and I love to care and to round out my edges, to lose my uniqueness that could be beneficial to someone else  or make me feel less then who I was.. Is out of the question.  And if they care and love me then they should also benefit. Right?! It should be this in and out effect: I got no candy you fill it up to the best you can and vice versa. No one is left out! I know letting go of  a relationship  can bring in the rainy clouds and countless Resses butter cups, :whisper voice:I will not say how many i have had. lol. Seriously though its really sad, but as a couple, if you are not doing the 3C's together , being Confident in each other, Comfortable with each other, or Caring for each other then <3 peace , love and chicken grease. If we return back its probably because we thought hard and said NO MORE BS , LETS CLIMB TO THE TOP TOGETHER. If not then its okay there are many people out there who love your uniqueness and how you deal out of problems and how you have fun and keep smiling through the wars and success! If they love what they see then they will stay by your side. It takes time to build this relationship and its worth it. Until then the days were good<3

With Love,

Men you take so much in, let the woman hold your hand and guide you back to the top. 
Just to guide not to take over you.

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