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Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Yes as growing up I was teased about my weight ( I was a big girl) and my own skin color by kids who were my skin color.  
kids back then rather date a light skinned guy or girl. black guys loved to know and hoped us dark skinned girls were not straight black , they wanted a black girl mixed with indian or other descent besides black.  
so it was funny to me that when i dated someone out of my race guys would call me out and say so why are you with a white, or mexican guy you dont like a black guy? the same black guy that preferred a light skinned or mexican girl would ask me that. funny. It took me awhile to give my heart to a black man because all i ever experienced from black guys was mean words about my weight or color.  im straight African point blank, i got a far mix of white and indian on my moms side and thats a far mix.   
I will see now a black women loving the hell out of her black man only to find out that he left her for a white women , because of a lame excuse. 
Those that hate dark skins are no different then the whites from the past who chose light skinned to be a house nigga and darks to be left outside You might as well vote for Donald trump. I'M JUST SAYING

Black men( not all but a decent amount of y'all) need to be better. So tired of seeing how black women are angry, ugly rude. When black women love yall to death, We are the only race that loves and supports YOU  & the struggle You need to start uplifting/supporting black women. There is nothing wrong with having  "a Type" or "a Preference"... But you don't need to put black women down no matter what. Your mother, sister, aunty,and grandmothers are black! no body makes the better fried chicken then us! lol


Why don't you want to love her? because she is dark skin? she is still human!



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