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Monday, December 7, 2015

My Son's Fashion Haul

Finding matching boys clothes is always difficult for me; its either not his size or not in stock.
I want my son to dress good as his mommy and sister. He is still a active boy and he loves getting dirty and  into mishaps. He is usually in sweats and a t-shirt because he loves to feel free.  Lately though he has been expressing to me ( he is 3 years old) that he wants to look "cool", which in his terms are cool jackets and shirts. So I rushed online and started finding nice looking outfits for him, he tried them on and he loved it. I shopped all especially the shoes. the only con for me personally is that they take almost a whole week to get to me. The best pro is that they are always free shipping!

If i didnt mention something or you have questions you can leave a comment or via email at:

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