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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Pretty food on a budget: Pink Waffles for any Occasion

I am here to announce that Khlo'e  and I have finally made Pink Waffles!
It has been long over due, but finally accomplished.
I was Googling for the ingredients and almost all of the sites showed, to me personally, were unnecessary ingredients. I just got what I felt was needed  which was this:

It was very simple. The only thing I did that was different was add one tbsp of strawberry jam into the mix and on the side of the plate to give it a more strawberry taste. Also! I almost forgot. I put 4 drops of color in the mix and I got a light pink. You can put more if you want it to range from light pink to bright red.

Up close!

Khlo'e chopped up the strawberries

The end result! 

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