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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

SuperYou: Wasted time is more then wasted money

Time waits for no one. 
It doesn't matter how much money you have or how close you are to your belief system...
Time waits for no one. It's true.
You aren't here in this form forever, 
so don't be destructive, try to be clever, 
You are your own master so try to be better, 
Look around, you will see time is wasted by many, 
Some hate their lives... Slaving for pennies, 
Many miss their lives distracted by money, 
Chasing money for the sake of it.
For profit and loose change, 
some striving for better but money was too tight, so they tried to save up, tried to get their money "right"... While they were struggling they ran out of time...
Working office jobs they hated, 
Their love for life it waited, 
With escapism, drink and drugs, cheap sex, the clubs, and all things basic. 
They paused and meditated, 
Loving life was reinstated, 
But their bills were thirsty and the constant hunger for money could taste it.
It was time to think and face it. 
There will always be bills, easy sex and cheap thrills, but life's purpose is being wasted. 
So  I choose happiness, over all, above all else. 
What you do with your day, how you spend it, who you choose to spend it with. 
These are all important decisions as you can't buy time. 
You can't take the money with you, your lifestyle should improve your quality of life, not the wealth of your bank balance. 
Health is wealth, love, purpose, peace and not much else. 
The riches are the people and the jewels are their smiles. 
You are selling your time, so be careful how much it costs you...

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