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Friday, October 9, 2015


.... and I suggest you do the same Before you run around trying to find fault with others and what they do. Understand that:

  1. You're not perfect
  2. You have faults  of your own don't undermine(excuse) any of it
  3. Pointing our others fault will NOT help you bring peace to yourself.
In fact , what bothers you most about someone else is usually something that you're fighting yourself about internally.
Whats the point going back and forth all day pointing out what you dont like about someone when you don't want it  done to you? DO BETTER.
Never talk bad about someone who is walking a path in life that you were once on yourself. Even if it wasn't the exact path, you had your version. Learn to give good hope or pray for the hurting and those who struggle. Be a life line of Hope. Some paths are longer then others, with more hills to climb.

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