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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Labor Day Weekend, Remember to Show some LOVE.

No one just looks at themselves as a child and hates the way they look. This was a real study and black children overwhelmingly felt that the darker children were "ugly" or "bad." That's social conditioning. Every negative comment about, "she's so pretty for a Darker skinned girl" or "wow your nose sure is wide" or "wow that's some frizzy nappy birds nest hair she has there" - can all hurt. These are not ok things to say. We must watch our words around children as well as watch what we claim to value and make sure it comes from a pure place and not a reflection of our own insecurities placed on US as children. Lighter skin is not any more beautiful than darker skin. Straight hair isn't any more beautiful than kinky hair. We all have beauty. We can all be beautiful in different ways. I see soooo many men of color shunning darker skinned women as if by dating a lighter women they are somehow coming up in the world. You hate yourself if you feel that way. 
I walk around with my kids who are mixed and light skinned and my little sister who is dark chocolate color and  people are more to compliment my kids then my little sister. smh.

Hopping off my soapbox. Enjoy your weekend you beautiful ladies of every color, shape and size.


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