Dear Brittney,
It's about time that you heard this. When you're reading this I want you to repeat this quote out loud, say it proud. You know why? Because I seen the tears, I seen the disappointments, the let downs, the "Let go's" hit you really deep. No matter the bad situation, you saw light, you saw happiness in your future, and you strive for it. You have lost faith once, but im so happy that deep to the core of your heart, you kept alert that better things were coming your way, you just need to hang on. That these challenges are for a reason.You need to know that, No amount of guilt can solve the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future. Now repeat the quote " I love who I am. I like what I do and I like how I do it. And I like my mistakes and I like the way I learn and I like the pace with which I learn my mistakes. I don’t want to be anybody else but me. And by knowing this I want to continue figuring out who the fuck I am." You're smart , you're loyal, I trust you. I love you. Go make your empire!
I still remember you as a little girl who over waters the plants because she doesn't know when to stop giving. Please open your eyes and realize, you WERE an enabler. STOP. Sometimes it's nice to see how much you mean to someone.
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