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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Is it true some Races still hate blacks?

Black men need to take some responsibility man. You love who you love  black , white green purple, ... BUT if you're fucking outside just to have a mix baby, you HATE the person you see in the mirror. I personally hate it when white women think it's ok to insult black women  an say hurtful things  like  " he wants me because black women are angry and loud" Sweetie we are all angry, black men and women alike. We are angry that we have to work 3 times as hard just to be half as successful. Were angry our black men don't protect us and rather put us down every chance they get while  we continue to love them unconditionally(not all just a big number).  Black women are queens, we're strong and resilient, so when a black man comes and tells you something so degrading about us that should tell you  what kind of man you're dealing with. A man that isn't strong enough for a black women.

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