Loneliness. Everyone goes into that mood. Married couples, rich people, those that have accomplished so much in their life, you and I. We all get it. That feeling when you focus on the down side of you. I find that there is no point to over think on the little down sides of yourself, because that's what they are," little." So look at the big bright side of you! Especially in this gloomy world where obstacles are thrown at you to discourage you. What if there isn't family or friends to turn to? How can we get out of feeling lonely? YOU! You can.(I sound like smokey the bear) It's about learning to know when your in a down time and identifying how to get out of it.
Encourage yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back! You're young! you have grown through the years you've gained insight in life. You're becoming better every waking moment!
Get excited! You are full of possibilities. I like to think that smokey the bear is saying that to me. You are full of possibilities. Only you can make your story.
Listen to music. That makes you upbeat and motivated. I love this song by incubus-wish you were here I love their music because it makes me feel enlightened and happier about my place in life. My outlook on life becomes nirvana.
Stop thinking start living! Sitting on the couch never got anyone anywhere. You got a talent! Improve it and make it known.
Say to yourself
I am love.
I am support
I am my friend
I am peace.
The road to a happiness is paved on a road both to hell and back. The motivation in us has to be the new fuel that takes us to where we wanna be at. We gotta fight the demons that have taken us into its hold, for their not as strong as our will to survive as our wil to overcome as our will to be us.