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Monday, July 14, 2014

So many titles at such a young age :long post:

 So as you know I am young. 23 yrs old. And yes I have a lot of titles that are considered to some people "too young to handle on my plate." Here is my time line
At age 18 I found out I was pregnant with my daughter  and I gave birth to her at age 19. I worked jobs and went to school came home breasted and repeated the same routine for a year or so. Then at 20 I found out that I was pregnant with my son and at age 21 I gave birth to my son.


Of course at times I wanna be like my friends and say yolo(you only live once) at every person we drive pass bumpin loud music out of a 2013 honda civic.Unfortunately I didn't follow that path. I got kids and which means I got that bed time and routine on check. A lot of prioritizing in my life. I can't keep count of how many "how to be" books I've read and also the small books of "how to :get away from stress, be patient, etc." I'm trying hard.  Im accepting wisdom, sadly there are those people that ruin the mood by saying, "you're not as stable as someone who is in their 30s or so." The criticizing gets bad but when you learn to be your own friend you can handle it. And what I mean by that is just like how a  friend would talk to you, talk to yourself like that. I personally accept people's criticism for being a young mom. I take it and defrost it cook it up make it to some good food. I'm not gonna let someone who has mean views of  me put me down. I love my titles I get great endless benefits from them. If your young or have many titles at your age I hope you're reading this and seeing the great outlook you have accepted in your life. BE IN CONTROL. No matter what age, limitations or whatever. BE IN CONTROL. So many titles at such a young age but I'm gonna be in control of them


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